Our Statistics
Since we commenced in 2019, up to Autumn 2024, we have had enrolled on our courses:
20 staff from State Steiner Primary Schools
29 staff from Independent Steiner Schools - Primary & Secondary
5 mainstream primary teachers
2 mainstream secondary teachers
4 early years carers
3 home schooling parents
17 people attending for their own personal development/as interested parents / with an interest in becoming Steiner Teachers.
The Irish Waldorf Education Association Conference
The Active, The Artistic and the Attentive
celebrating 40 years of Steiner Waldorf Education in Ireland will take place on Saturday 28th and Sunday 29th of September 2024 at Limerick School of Art and Design
Speakers from across Ireland and the UK
Panel discussions and workshops
We are running the following 4 open weekends this year:
23rd & 24th November 2024 - Drama at the Heart
11th & 12th January 2025 - Storytelling
22nd 23rd March 2025- Movement & Games Classes 1-8
26th & 27th April 2025 - Arts, Crafts, Handwork
See our Courses Page for more details or email swim.cpd.training@gmail.com
Places limited early booking advised
"As I start a new year of teaching this September, I am enriched and nourished by all that I have learnt at the SMIM Training." Maria. Primary School Teacher
"I just want to give you feedback on the remarkable work you have done in transforming our teachers... they have got confidence, they have got trust in themselves and how things work; they have got knowledge, they know so much more... it is wonderful to see the quality of work that shines out of their classrooms. The quality of drawings and stories and blackboards. And a remarkable influence in training your students how to do Class Plays. How to write plays, how to manifest them, how to stage manage them, the props and the costumes and the speech work...Thank you so, so very much for what you have been doing, making our school into something that can shine" Irish Steiner School Teacher Mentor