Course Directors

Nell Smyth
Brings over 35 yrs of working as a Steiner teacher in both primary & secondary education, both in Ireland and America. She currently works at ALFA Steiner Secondary School as a teacher and mentor and has been a teacher trainer both here and in America. She is the author of many plays for children, a number included in the Irish National Youth Theatre’s playshare, and of two books, The Breathing Circle and Drama at the Heart. She also has an extensive training in Middendorf breathwork and has been involved in the Creative Clusters work in schools and led a large number of Dept of Ed CPD courses.

Caroline Kelly
Was one of the founders of the ALFA Project (now Alfa Steiner Secondary School), where she teaches 12- 18 year olds, and is one of the core group of lead teachers. She was formerly the Director of the Waldorf College for 16–19 year olds in the UK. Her background includes Steiner Kindergarten Training, Goethean Science, International Leadership Training. She has created courses for adults and young adults in anthroposophy and personal development.

Audrey Flynn
Has a background in Administration, Leadership and Professional Coaching and trained as a Steiner Kindergarten Teacher. She is a founder member of The ALFA Project, (Active Learning For Adolescents), now Alfa Steiner Secondary School. She has been the National Coordinator for the Irish Steiner Kindergarten Association and has worked with Camphill Community Mountshannon, a lifesharing community with people with special needs, as team leader, in quality assurance preparation and as Administration Manager. She has been involved in developing and providing bespoke, anthroposophically based, experiential courses for adults and personal development with young people.