Weekends of Waldorf in 2025
22nd 23rd March 2025-The Roots of our Wellbeing-Waldorf Games & Movement
A developmentally based journey through ages from seven to seventeen years. Suitable for teachers, parents and all interested adults
You will experience:
A dynamic range of enlivening games & movement activities for beneficial learning.
Mastering key athletic skills for the class 5 Greek Olympic Games.
Integrating a wide range of needs within a group.
Practical tips on how to integrate movement exercises & games into the school day
Relating these to a developmentally based curriculum.
Integration of theory & practice through shared reflections.
26th & 27th April 2025 - Storytelling to Kindle Imagination and Instil Wisdom (Rescheduled Date)
Stories, for all time & in every culture, have always made meaning, deepened human understanding, & expanded insight into the human condition. Our time, more than ever, needs the recovery of the hearth & heart that can weave us together & offer a sanctuary, insight & humour through the power of storytelling.
This workshop will explore:
becoming a great storyteller; discovering stories, developing courage & confidence.
a wide a range of stories suitable for the young child, the primary years, teenagers & adults, according to developmental need.
many types of story-myth, wondertales, nature, pedagogical,biography & creating your own.
the craft of storytelling: setting, pacing, voice and gesture
stories as part of an integrated curriculum
telling & reading stories
Places Limited - Booking essential
Cost €250 incl Meals & Refreshments
Reductions offered for Previous Swim Course Participants
CPD Certificates of Attendance provided
Times 9am-5.30pm Sat 22nd & 9.30am-1pm Sun 23rd March 2025
Location: Tuamgraney, Co Clare.
For more information and to book contact swim.cpd.training@gmail.com

Core Elements of Steiner Education
The aim of this course is to strengthen understanding and mastery of core aspects of Steiner education in deeply practical, observational and experiential ways. All 6 seminars are rooted in illustrating the practicality and wisdom to be found in the understanding of the human being in the light of anthroposophy. They combine to offer an integrated whole that will develop an understanding of the philosophy and practices of the Steiner primary school curriculum and its applications. Mediated by master teachers and peers the course aims to bring a spirit of enjoyment, creativity and confidence to all those participating. Additional content is included on early years and second level education to create a whole and rounded picture and to meet the diverse needs and expressed interests of participants. Facilitated reflective practice, peer networking, mentoring and group work, brings the additional richness and benefits of colleagueship. The course is part time and runs over 6 weekends.
While the main focus of the course is primary education (4-11yrs), including the Kindergarten/Junior and Senior Infants years, we adapt the course according to who is taking part. We can focus on early years/teenage years as well as looking at specific aspects of the curriculum in more detail, through the mentoring groups that are part of the course.
The teaching seminars include small group mentoring sessions with specialist teachers according to the interests and needs of the participants.
Who is “Core Elements of Steiner Education” for?
● Teachers in Steiner Schools who want to do training in Steiner Education
● State trained Primary School teachers who want to teach in Steiner Community National Schools.
● People with and without a state teacher training who want to teach in independent Steiner schools.
● Teachers at all levels, from all Schools, Steiner & others, who want to do the course for Continuing Professional Development/Creative Personal Deepening
● People interested in teaching in or starting a Steiner Kindergarten or School
● Anyone wishing to know more about Steiner Education
This course can be taken as a stand alone CPD Course for Teachers or as an experiential introduction for anyone interested in knowing more about Steiner Education. It is also the first year of a comprehensive, progressive framework “Steiner Pedagogy at Primary Level”, a Primary Teacher Steiner training.

To the Heart of Steiner Education & Resolve, Resilience & Readiness
In the second and third years we cover the curriculum in greater depth through having immersive themed weekends and blocks that show how each subject area/theme develops as the child unfolds through the different ages. There will be ongoing study of key texts by Rudolf Steiner, giving the developmental picture of the human being in all its complexity and wonder.
All sessions are rooted in illustrating the practicality and wisdom to be found in the understanding of the human being in the light of anthroposophy. They combine to offer an integrated whole that will develop an understanding of the philosophy and practices of the Steiner Primary school curriculum and its applications. Additional content is included on early years and second level education to create a whole and rounded picture and to meet the diverse needs and expressed interests of participants. Facilitated reflective practice, peer networking, mentoring, group work and practice teaching brings the additional richness and benefits of colleagueship. Each year runs over 7 weekends plus 2 x 5 day blocks out of term time and builds on the foundation provided by Core Elements of Steiner Education.

The Second and Third years of the teacher training alternate annually, (when there are sufficient numbers), and run as a combined group, with break out sessions into second/third year groups as needed.
For 2024/25 we are running a reduced format of 4 open weekends
23rd & 24th November 2024 - Drama at the Heart
11th & 12th January 2025 - Storytelling
22nd 23rd March 2025- Movement, Spatial Dynamics
26th & 27th April 2025 - Arts, Crafts, Handwork